Friday, May 25, 2007

There has been quite a bit of hype surrounding the new Nintendo Wii gaming system. Some say that the Wii's ability to "democratize" gaming for people of all ages and abilities is revolutionary. Do you think this is a true technological revolution or just hype?

Video gaming systems have revolutionized the gaming world time and time again over the past decade. Most recently, three major gaming companies – Nintendo, Playstation, and XBOX all released new gaming systems within a close time frame. All companies claimed that their system would revolutionize the way we play video games. With new enhanced technology and more games than a kid in a candy store can imagine, all three companies were placed on a pedestal for all to observe to see who would succeed the most.

Of the three gaming systems, I believe the console with the most changes both physical appearance and technological advancements, the Nintendo Wii have improved the most. The Wii is fresh, stylish, and has the potential to attract people of all ages to play the gaming system. I agree that the Wii is a true technological revolution in a way that people of all ages and abilities are able to play games on the Wii without being “lost”. The biggest development of the Wii would be the controller and wireless system. Instead of the traditional game controller, the Wii has transformed its controller into a rectangular shape that can be used numerous different ways; depending on what game the person is playing. With the wireless system allows for the Wii to be an interactive gaming system for all ages. Individuals are much more involved in the games they play such as boxing, golfing, and role-playing games such as Zelda. The Wii has revolutionized gaming because instead of traditionally sitting down and playing a game, the individual is able to get on their feet and is much more interacted with the game.

From personal experience, I attest to my opinion that the Wii has revolutionized gaming for all ages. Since my dad bought my younger brother and myself a Nintendo when we were younger, he was always the one in front of the television day and night playing video games. He would always beg my dad to buy him the newest gaming system and he would always spend most of his birthday money on a new game. Video games were my brother’s thing; sports were mine. When the Wii came out, I was not as excited as my brother was, but a trip to my friend’s house changed all that. I was amazed at how interactive the system was. I was on my feet for every single game I played because I was truly drawn in. Excitement filled my mind because of all the different ways I could use a controller whenever we played a different game. The Wii has the ability to involve individuals who normally don’t play video games and allows the games to be exciting and interactive. Hype is placed around a new pair of shoes that cost $200 and has a new model come out the following season, hype is not what should be labeled around the Nintendo Wii. The Wii has brought gaming to a new level and I believe that competing companies won’t be able to create a system as interactive and creative as the Wii for many years to come. It is a system that will last the ages.



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